I LOVE ZOMBIES (did you know that?)



zombieland is one of my favorite zombie movies because its funny and interesting. This movie is about a twink loser trying to survive the recent zombie apocalypse in what he calls 'zombieland'. he has made a list of rules to survive and end up vibing with his friends of odd backgrounds. I'm not too sure how to classify these zombies but they have the following attributes.

☆ relatively unpredictable speed

☆ somewhat insatiable hunger (never satisfied)

☆ advanced healing (btyb double tap)

☆ different levels of intelligence (also btyb double tap)

while the zombies here are advanced and get harder to avoid/kill, I would defidently survive. Thank you for coming to my ted talk. The main characters are Columbus (dweeb on the left) Witchita (hawt momma) Little Rock (lil gal) and Tallahassee (big twinkie lover).

WARM BODIES (my personal fav)

warm bodies is a beautiful movie about a zombie falling in love with a human girl. Over time he is cured of his zombie-ism throught the power of love and healing. a fucking masterpiece if you ask me... these zombies are pretty easy to survive judging on these characteristics.

☆ slower speeds with no real momentum unless provoked

☆ attachment to brains (cliche)

☆ surprisingly good smelling (?)

☆ regeneration just not immediate

The main characters of this movie are R(zombie guy on the right ) (note: he is very hawt) and Julie (baddie on the left) (note: she is also very hawt)

the bonies are another story but just go watch the movie first 💀


Izombie is literally my favorite zombie show ever and I am so sad its being taken off Netflix but ill just kms :) It's about a girl named Liv Moore ( white haired chick on the left) who is infected with a zombie infulenza while at a boat party. (supposedly caused by a dangerous drug) She is now adjusting to her new life of undeath, and a craving for brains (yum) while working at the morgue. She soon discovers there are other zombies out there, so her and her cowerker Ravi Chakrabarti (dude on the right) try to find a cure for it. The zombies in this series can be all types of weird but inevitably dangerous. Their characteristics include-

☆ almost 'normal' behavior when not hungry

☆ decrepit mood swings when hungry

☆ advanced healing and incredible strength when they 'zombie out'

☆ odd transfer of the disease: bites, scratches, sex (?), contamination, etc.

☆ no external bleeding when cut

PLZ NOTE: this page is subject to change, i will be adding more shows/movies later but its still under construction (,,>﹏<,,)