Hayden is one of the main characters and the twin of Victor, aswell as the prince of the demonic monarchy. One high on his way to the throne, now he is disrespected and banished for all of eternity. After making the mistake of taking in a human, he is a shame to the VOID and was therefore banned.

age: 142

sign: Cancer

Species: Demonic, Undead

hobbies include: making sandcastels, sleepin a lot, listen to Victor yap.

Current know skills: bodily shifting, can astral project but hates to, some type of extreme strength he can't control well, can change to demonic form upon will.


Victor was the highly respected crown princess of the demonic monarchy, she has since fallen to insanity after being kicked out with her brother for their conspiration with humans. She is the slightly older twin and tries to make the best decisions possible. She is quite smart and has a pet cat-human (Dexter).

threat level: high

favorite video game: Red Dead Redemption

birthday: July 9th

does she support LGBTYMCA?: only her brother <3

Current known skills: bodily shifting, casting some type of curse in demonic form, can turn to stone if looked at in the eyes in her demon form, turns larger upon will.


Chester is the human that stumbled into the VOID and was 'saved' by Hayden. At first, he does not trust residents of the VOID (including Hayden and Victor) but over time learns to accept that he is trapped here. Hayden promises to help free him but until then, he resides in void 43.

favorite type of peanut butter: Crunchy

Nationality: Russian, American, Canadian

Fav fictional character: Death the kid (soul eater)

height: 5'10

Likes: Writing/reading weird fanfiction, drinking blue kool-aid, cold weather (the current temperature of the VOID), hot dawg cookouts